Organize your work and life, finally.

Become focused, organized, and calm with Todoist. The world's #1 task manager and to-do list app.
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300,000+ reviews
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Used by individuals and teams at
Get more done
Add your tasks.
Organize your life.
Achieve more every day.
Add tasks like “Read work emails every day at 10am” to fill your to-do list in seconds using Todoist’s powerful natural language recognition and recurring dates.
Clear your mind
Reach the mental clarity you've been longing for.
Your to-do lists are automatically sorted into Today, Upcoming and custom Filter views to help you focus on your most important things.
Delightfully simple and deceptively powerful task management
30 million+ people organize billions of tasks in Todoist for their work, education and personal life.
With you everywhere
With you everywhere
Use Todoist’s apps, extensions and widgets on any device or platform.
With you everywhere
There’s a template for that
Project templates are available to get you started with whatever’s on your plate.
With you everywhere
Make Todoist yours
Customize your to-do list with filters, labels, priorities, and more.
With you everywhere
Connect with your other tools
Link Todoist with your calendar, voice assistant, and 70+ other tools.
With you everywhere
Productivity Methods
Personal productivity recommendations based on your unique traits and strengths.
A task manager you can trust for life
We've been building Todoist for 16 years and 117 days. We're in it for the long haul.
With you everywhere
30+ million
app downloads
With you everywhere
2 billion+
tasks completed
With you everywhere
160+ countries
With you everywhere
1 million+
Pro users